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Upon completion, the HCDM will contain 15 volumes with over 1500 entries.

In March 2018, HCDM 9/I was released, covering entries from Maschinerie (machinery) to Mitbestimmung (co-determination).

Upcoming volumes will be published at two year intervals.




HCDM 1: Abbau des Staates to Avantgarde
– from Dismantling of the state to avantgarde

99 entries, 68 authors, 808 columns
Title pages and imprint, preface, critical apparatus
1st edition 1994, 2., unchanged ed. 1997
Argument publishing house, Hamburg-Berlin; ISBN 3-88619-431-0
79 €; subscription: 59 €




HCDM 2: Bank to Dummheit in der Musik
– from bank to Stupidity in music

101 entries, 76 authors, 882 columns
Title pages and imprint, preface, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 1995, 2., unchanged ed. 1997
Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-432-9
89 €; subscription: 69 €




HCDM 3: Ebene to Extremismus
– from level to extremism

116 entries, 99 authors, 1216 columns
Preface, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 1997, 2., unchanged ed. 1998
Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-433-7
109 €; subscription: 89 €




HCDM 4: Fabel to Gegenmacht
– from fable to counterpower

113 entries, 105 authors, 1362 columns
Title pages and imprint, preface, sponsors, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 1999, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-434-5
125 €; subscription: 102 €




HCDM 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit to Hegemonialapparat
– from counter public to hegemony apparatus

117 entries, 104 authors, 1308 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 2001, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-435-3
125 €; subscription: 102 €




HCDM 6/I: Hegemonie to Imperialismus
– from hegemony to imperialism

68 entries, 69 authors, 864 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 2004, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-436-1
79 €; subscription: 59 €




HCDM 6/II: Imperium to Justiz
– from empire to justice

87 entries, 85 authors, 898 columns
Title pages and imprint, sponsors, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 2004, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-437-X
99 €; subscription: 79 €




HCDM 7/I: Kaderpartei to Klonen
– from cadre party to cloning

93 entries, 83 authors und 1068 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors
1st edition 2008, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 3-88619-438-4
99 €; subscription: 79 €




HCDM 7/II: Knechtschaft to Krise des Marxismus
– from servitude to Crisis of Marxism

89 entries, 65 authors, ca. 1200 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors, critical apparatus, name index
1st edition 2010, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 978-3-88619-439-1
109 €; subscription: 89 €




HCDM 8/I: Krisentheorien to Linie Luxemburg-Gramsci
– from crisis theories to line Luxemburg-Gramsci

93 entries, 84 authors, 1152 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors
1st edition 2012, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 978-3-88619-440-7
108 €; subscription: 88 €




HCDM 8/II: links/rechts to Maschinenstürmer
– from left/right to Machine breakers

75 entries, 66 authors, 888 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors, critical apparatus, Namensregister
1st edition 2015, Argument publishing house, Hamburg; ISBN 978-3-88619-441-4
98 €; subscription: 78 €




HCDM 9/I: Maschinerie bis Mitbestimmung
– from machinery to co-determination
78 entries, 77 authors, 1079 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors
1st edition 2018, Argument-Verlag, Hamburg; ISBN 978-3-88619-442-1
108 €; subscription: 88 €




HCDM 9/II: Mitleid to Nazismus
– from compassion to Nazism

61 entries, 70 authors, 1267 columns
Title pages and imprint, prefacesponsors
1st edition 2024, Argument-Verlag, Hamburg; ISBN 978-3-88619-443-8
… €; subscription: … €




HCDM 10: Negation der Negation to Phantasie
– from Negation of the negation to phantasy




HCDM 11: Philosophie to Regulationismus
– from philosophy to Regulation school




HCDM 12: Reichtum to Sorelismus
– from wealth to Sorelism




HCDM 13: Sowjet to Text
– from Soviet to text




HCDM 14: Theater to Verstand (allgemeiner)
– from theater to General intellect




HCDM 15: Vertrag bis Zynismus
– from contract to cynicism


